Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Highway 246 to Capitan

Another adventure as we headed up to Capitan on the back road, Highway 246, 75 miles of miles and miles. 

As we approached Thunderbird Ranch Alvin commented on this poor skinny horse

which provided a good laugh upon closer inspection

Traffic was very light as the ranch houses were 20 miles apart. 

Prairie Larkspur decorated the roadside along with verbena and perfume ball. 

The road climbed another 2,000 feet and the temperature dropped 10 degrees. 

The mountain had been shrouded in clouds when we left Roswell and we were soon receiving a light rain. 

the north side of the mountain was covered in snow

 and wispy clouds. 

The adventure never ends.

Stormy Weather

An 180 degree sky offers unlimited photo ops and never fails to amaze me.

A massive cumulonimbus built over the Caprock on Thursday evening

I was fearful for those persons in the path of this developing storm.

and thankful that it was to our east. 

The golden hour painted the landscape with copper

Sunset  here never disappoints me. 

Capitan makes a terrific marker to measure the solar march northward to Summer Solstice. 

Compare to the view on our first night at Bitter Lake 

Again Friday night another massive storm formed over the Caprock

far enough away we couldn't hear the thunder

but the light show was amazing

I depressed my shutter

to continuously


227 images

in about 2 minutes. 

Another time to be thankful for the eastward flow of the weather system. 

Lovely to look at from a distance, but very fearful when it's directly overhead. 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Desert Upland Trail

Finally made it to the Desert Upland Trail

0.3 mile trail on the southwest corner of the wildlife tour

that makes a loop up over the hill and down on the other side. 


Prickly Pear Cactus

Two Leafed Senna

Javelina Bush

Spectacle Pod

Bluet, I know, it's pink. 


Ephedra, Mormon Tea

More Primrose and Fleabane

Velvet mite, or rain bug

Dung Beetles

More Dung Beetles


Singing Blue Grosbeak, just not very blue yet. 

On the drive after the walk.... 

another rattler

Bitter Lake has a very healthy population of rattlers. 

Northern Rough-winged Swallows getting their nutrients from scat

Dodder is a parasitic plant resembling orange silly string

Rayless Thelesperma, another DYC

Late evening thunderheads building over the Caprock

The golden hour

Another picture book sunset

Good night

More happenings on the refuge and in town

Bull Snake visited Birnie's house before retreating to the wooded area across the road. 

Blue Curl and Pepper Grass

Stinking Milk Vetch

Apache Plume

Claret Cup

Tarantula also out for evening stroll

Cahoon Park Sunken Garden

I was surprised to see just how long this neat little pocket of peacefulness had been here. 

A perfect place to pause

and relax

and contemplate

Sculptures pop up in strange locations

Found this one in front of the Senior Center

Carved from 180 year old Cottonwood tree that grew just across the street. 

The detail is amazing, covering every aspect of Roswell history, around the bottom scenes of the railroad and NMMI, and up the side cattle and sheep and farming. 

Balloon Fest finale on May 3

Sunday morning liftoff

Train wreck south of town April 28 still not totally removed on May 8

One train carrying sand and the other loaded with molasses. 

I found this  dragonfly exuvia when I fed the birds

The next morning this Flame Skimmer posed nicely

The pond at the VC

Barn Swallow

utilize the wooden nest cups provided. 

Brown-headed Cowbird spent 3 days battling his reflection